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"Where the angels wings touches the dust, there my soul rests..."

Artist statement 

In my art I am concerned about the transition from nomadism to „culture clash“. It is about to be connected to nature in today’s urban society, about wanderlust and uprooting.

I have grown up in the gray area of German – Turkish and Pakistani culture. 

So what I often present in my work is bridging these gaps and the question of cultural affiliation.


With my work I question the existence of national and religious borders, go to the spiritual level and create worlds beyond actual cultural borders.


I use different media for this:


Abstract landscape and portrait photography using analogue technology. 

The human figure in nature plays a major role here but also in other media.


I mainly make experimental video works, often with a performative approach. Poetic in text and images. I create the music/sound myself. I also experiment with calligraphy, whether in film or in painting. 


Poetry is therefore the connection between all my artistic disciplines.


Atiye Noreen Lax ( *1994 in Bielefeld, Germany) studied fine arts with concentration on film, video and photography at the HBK Braunschweig in the classes of Aurelia Mihai and Michael Brynntrup. In her art she is concerned about grey areas especially the ones of cultural affiliation. Besides she is multi-instrumentalist and mother of two children. And she runs her own brand NoreenEthnicCrafts.



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